Permeable Horse Hay Feeder
Case Study

Permeable Horse Hay Feeder


Florida, US

This Equestrian Center in Florida had two horses sharing one manger-style hay feeder with no protection surrounding it. The soft sand was frequently leveled, only to see trenches re-appear within a day. This was resulting in an imbalanced posture for the horses, as well as strain on their front legs. Additionally, edible hay was being lost in the mud, quickly turning to costly waste, and putting horses at increased risk of sand colic. In need of fresh horse hay feeder ideas, the owners turned to Ecoraster for a permeable paving solution that would improve horse health through soil stabilization and mud control.

The existing horse hay feeder was removed from the area and the location was leveled and prepared with a 2” layer of new sand that was packed using a lawn tractor.
HoofGrid HF40 was placed on the leveled sand, creating a 144 square foot layer of HoofGrid grid. The porous grid was filled with 2 inches of new sand, packed, and leveled-off to expose the grid beneath it. The horse hay feeder was re-installed in its original location.

Mission accomplished! The HoofGrid HF40 installation immediately stopped trench digging around the horse hay feeder, which reduced the manual labour involved in repair, eliminated the strain on the horses’ legs, and improved equine mud management – decreasing the costly expenses from edible hay becoming lost in the mud.
Project Gallery
Explore the photos below that highlight how Ecoraster products were installed, as well as the results we were able to achieve for the park.